The STory Garden
Imagine if a fairground arrived in your town one night, with candyfloss that cured coughs and waltzers that settled arguments! And what if you were asked to help an old miller patch up the sails of his colourful windmill with good wishes and bits of old furniture one day? The Story Garden grows the most amazing stories!
Magical gardeners Janet and Sue warmly welcome audiences to their quirky allotment decked with flowers and bunting. Once participants have settled yourself down among the plants and bees, they’ll explain that all stories start life there – the long ones, the funny ones, the ones that everyone knows by heart.
Janet and Sue will then go on to plant a magic story seed with the help of the audience, making sure they prepare the soil and get the conditions to grow the story just right - cue lots of fun and lively participation!
Eventually a story seedling will grow, and on the plant’s stalk there will be some clues to what the story is about - a golden ticket and some candy floss! A mouse and some ears of corn! Ah yes! We think we might’ve told this story before, but not for a very long time! We remind ourselves of the tale using our very special, enormous listening devices and then the story begins.
The Story Garden incorporates elements of storytelling, drama and visuals. It involves simple, beautiful props and portable stage set, and is roughly a 25 minute experience that can be tailored around a particular theme, or a particular setting.
After the story we usually run a complementary, supported craft workshop that lasts up to 60 minutes. During this we engage participants in gentle conversation and undertake a therapeutic craft activity such as decorating plant pots and planting wild flower seeds for pollinators.