what we do
We inspire connection
Our work centres around the wonderful uplifting experience of sharing stories and being heard. Our work isn’t top down. The projects we run are devised and delivered by the participants themselves as part of the Dandelion family.
We heal
Our work strives to energise and empathise. We also seek to raise an eyebrow or a smile with our irreverence. We put storytelling at the heart of what we do because of its power to heal and validate.
We create lasting change
We establish projects that deeply engage communities. This way projects can continue to flourish and benefits can continue to be felt when we step away.

We’re playful
Some of our work involves shining a light in dark places. Tackling difficult issues. We attach humour when we can, living fully in each moment, and meeting challenges playfully.
We’re curious
We work with an open mind, allowing projects to evolve as they grow. We keep the notion of connection, healing, levity and longevity in mind and as we ask and answer the next set of questions.